
The world's first computer-generated 3D animation


James Richards

Painting with history in a room filled with people with funny names (2015)

Korakrit Arunanondchai

Painting with history in a room filled with people with funny names 3 (Bangkok city)

Speculative Planning Session with Fred Moten and Stefano Harney

Constantina Zavitsanos

Ausdruck der Hände (Expression of the Hands)

Harun Farocki

Eye To Eye With Katie Couric: Being A Hand Model (CBS News)

Supermodel of Hands

Ellen Sirot

Swallow (2012)

Laure Prouvost

Army of Love Basics


Touch Cinema

Valie Export


Marina Abramovic

On Touching, Sense and Mitsein

Jean-Luc Nancy

Hand Movie (1966)

Yvonne Rainer

My Bodies

Hannah Black

The transparent avatar in your brain

Thomas Metzinger

Trans*: A Quick and Quirky Guide to Gender Variance

Jack Halberstam

No Church in the Wild: Queer Anarchy and Gaga Feminism.

Jack Halberstam

Filmmaker Barbara Hammer talks about her work and life


Oliver Laric

Touch My Body (Green Screen Version)

Oliver Laric

Versions 2009

Oliver Laric

On 'Inner Touch' and the Moving Body: Aisthêsis, Kinaesthesis, Aesthetics"

Mark Paterson

C'mon get haptic: Interview with CBC

Mark Paterson

Technology Now: Blackness on the Internet

Rizvana Bradley


Rizvana Bradley

Bodies in Space

Karen Archey

Talk at the 2018 Verbier Art Summit

Karen Archey

FOMO Day 2: Women Inc. Lexicon

Karen Archey, Jamie Sterns, Linda Stupart, and Zoe Whitley