February 7
Hydrangea 1
Holly Childs and J. G. Biberkopf
Hydrangea is a bloom of distributed and interlocking works by Holly Childs and J. G. Biberkopf.
The gravity shifts
Flash [bulb flash sound]
The gravity shifts again
White phosphorus burst
Architecture for solving problems
And it’s her body
2-step verification,
And we can’t get up for now
The structure keels
90 degrees like a ride
Start taking on water
Holly Childs is a writer and artist, author of Danklands (Arcadia Missa) and No Limit (Hologram). Postgraduate researcher in The New Normal program at Strelka Institute, Moscow (2017). Recent presentations of her work include: Patternist, a collaboratively developed urban exploration AR demo (2017); Have The Dusk Deepen for Rogue Agents curated by Auto Italia, at Firstdraft, Sydney (2017); art writer in Adam Linder’s choreographic service Some Proximity at Biennale of Sydney (2016); and Danklands [Swamped] for Liquid Architecture, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne (2015).
J. G. Biberkopf's practice entangles domains of sound art and theory, theatre, ecology, experimental geography and new media. Shows, exhibitions and collaborations presented in Berghain, Pompidou, The Kitchen, Venice Biennale, Barbican Center, Auto Italia.